


Join our volunteer team today!


Our mission to support the livelihood of producers is made possible by our team of lively and dedicated volunteers. Volunteers help to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere for our customers, and we have a lot of fun along the way. There are a variety of things our volunteers are involved in, from running the till, restocking items, decorating for the holidays and even running our board. We are always looking to expand our volunteer team and encourage you to visit us to learn more.


If you have…

A friendly and courteous manner

A willingness to learn about the producer groups, items and countries represented

An interest in helping to establish fair and sustainable buying in Calgary


This opportunity may be for you

Four hour shifts are usual, but time commitment varies - weekly, monthly or periodically for special events

Ideal for parents of school age children, college students and active retired persons


Our volunteers enjoy

A small group setting where they meet other friendly people; often working in pairs. Some of our volunteers are lifelong friends who met while volunteering at the store!

Special events, training evenings and promotions to keep the job interesting

A chance to regularly hear stories about fascinating Producer Groups around the world. Some of our volunteers have even gone to visit these groups! 

Seeing beautiful hand-made products as new designs are developed

Learning about e-commerce, computerized point of sale systems, excellent customer service practices, merchandising and more

Customer service experience is an asset, however a full training program is provided

A discount on merchandise following initial training period

Many younger volunteers (16+) gain transferrable skills, school credit hours and work experience


If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out this Volunteer Application Form

You can drop off the Application Form or learn more about volunteering: 



Alternatively, join our Board and make a difference!


We currently have one open position for the Global Village Crafts Society Board. The GVCS has stewardship over the Fair Trade non-profit store Villages Calgary.

For more information about these roles:


Board Member - Click Here