Himalayan Black Tea with Ginger

Item Code: Nepal
Estimated Available: In stock (8)

Relax with a cup of this delicious, smooth, low tannin but high nutrient tea. Fits perfectly inside these reusable shoulder bags to use which features 2 pockets, zipper close and tassels with beads. 50 teabags come in each shoulder bag and each bag colour is randomly chosen. 

For the perfect cup, use 80˚C clean water (boiling water kills the most important nutrients). Want a stronger brew? Add more tea, but steep the same. Black tea can be steeped for much longer.

New SADLE (New Skill and Development Learning Experience) provides free medical treatment, food, housing, and education to ex-leprosy and ex-polio affected social outcasts in Kathmandu. Their employment and reintegration program promotes self respect and dignity.

| Chantelle 13-01-2021 04:23

This is my favourite tea!!

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